I just finished watching the latest review by the ARC, and WT's two representatives, Spinks & O'Brian, just made it clearer and clearer to the panel of six judges, that the WT and the people in it have no heart.
Justice McClellan said, (basically) 'you realize that that is cruel..... just cruel... to take away someone's social structure and family when they decide they can no longer live in the JW organization.'
And the other judge, at the end wonders if they do any pastoral work now? like pay for these children's psychiatrist's bills.... The WT reps answered in legal terms again...
Why don't they "show love".... Why is love not one of the greatest commandments?
I think Barbara found the answer in their Body of Elder's letter Nov 1, 2016:
There was a reference to the matter of property damage to Kingdom Halls from “break-ins, thefts, incidents of arson, or other acts of vandalism.”
The rule is to “promptly report it to the local authorities.” There is no indication that elders may choose to report the damage to the authorities in those situations.
Apparently, for elders buildings are more important than children.